Tuesday 9 August 2016

Update #1

I've decided that every now and again, I'm going to do a bit of a 'life update' post, just to sort of catch you guys up on what's been going on and on any new developments in my life!

So, on the dating front, I'm still single and still searching, and failing. I had been seeing someone, who I have been on a total of 4 dates on, and truthfully? I don't feel it. I'm not attracted to him, and although looks aren't everything, I just know that he's not the one for me. Which is a shame, as he is such a lovely person, and we got along really well. But, alas, was not meant to be! 

Tinder has not been my friend recently. In fact, I've been toying with the idea of deleting it. I have been under the weather recently, so maybe it's that, but I just can't seem to find anyone decent anymore. This time last year, I was spoilt for choice (Mr Accountant, Mr London, Mr K etc) and now? Well, all there seems to be is guys interested in one night stands and 'fuck buddies'. Not for me! I've got to the point where I am now looking for a boyfriend. I've done single, I've had my fun, now, I just want to find the one.

Someone has also made a reappearance into my life recently. Mr London. Who has now split with Ms London. We are briefly talking, but nothing more. I don't think it's going anywhere, so writing this one off now. But seeing him again, brought back all the feelings I had be before. I just wish I could go back to a year ago, knowing what I know now, and I'd change it all. 

So I guess that's where I'm at! Hopefully, someone comes along soon. It's been a while since I've been on  a date, and I'm not even sure I know how to date anymore. I feel like I'm starting from scratch all over again. It's a hopeless feeling.

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